S1-EP2: Debbie & Sam on Deciding to Take a Gap Year at Age 62

Feb 22, 2019

Debbie Weil

Deciding to Take a Gap Year at 62

Debbie Weil         Debbie Weil        
Deciding to Take a Gap Year at 62           Deciding to Take a Gap Year at 62          
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    Debbie interviews her husband and co-conspirator, Sam Harrington, about the gap year they took together.


    Debbie talks to Sam about the origins of their gap year. Sam was a successful physician in private practice in Washington DC. He explains the logistics, the timing and the deeper questions about making the life-changing decision to leave his medical practice after 31 years. Together, Debbie and Sam talk about why their gap year was not the same thing as a sabbatical or retirement.



    Gap Year After Sixty blog

    Debbie’s husband and gap year co-conspirator: Sam Harrington

    Sam’s book AT PEACE: Choosing a Good Death After a Long Life


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    Thanks to our media partners

    Encore.org, our newest media partner, is an ideas and innovation hub tapping the talent of those 50+ as a force for good. Founder and CEO Marc Freedman is an award-winning social entrepreneur and author, most recently, of How to Live Forever: The Enduring Power of Connecting the Generations. Looking for a great gap-year transition program? Check out Encore Fellowships, which match skilled, seasoned professionals with social-sector organizations in high-impact, paid assignments.


    Modern Elder Academy is a program dedicated to navigating mid-life transitions. MEA, based in Baja California, Mexico, provides the place and the tools to start reframing your lifetime of experience. Grow whole, not old. Founder Chip Conley is a New York Times bestselling author, award-winning hospitality entrepreneur and a rock star of the mid-life transition movement. His newest book is Wisdom @ Work: the Making of a Modern Elder.


    Next For Me is an important new resource for the 50+ crowd focused on rewriting life. Taking a gap year or timeout may be the best way to figure out "what's next" when you're in this stage of life. Founder Jeff Tidwell explains, Next For Me "connects and inspires our generation to evolve our post-50 lives through new work, a new purpose, or a new social contribution."