Two evenings of women’s storytelling in 2018!
Island Women Speak, the popular women’s storytelling event at the Stonington Opera House, took the stage twice in 2018. The inaugural event was on Jan. 18, 2018. We were back on May 24, 2018. The audience nearly filled the theatre both times.
In May 2018 we had a line-up of seven women representing seven generations from age 20 to age 94: Nicole Nolan, representing Team 20; Amanda Larrabee for Team 30; Melissa Jones-Bayley for Team 40; Becky Siebert for Team 50; Suzy Shepard for Team 60; Judith Jerome for Team 70; and Ginger Reiman for Team 90.
The theme in May 2018 was Island secrets or How to live honestly on an island.
To learn more, contact producer Debbie Weil.
Media coverage of our inaugural event
Our inaugural event in January 2018 was written up in the local paper, the Island Ad-Vantages, highlighting our speakers and why they chose to participate: Island Women Speak shares stories of eight local women.
Channel 5 TV
We were also featured in a two-minute feature story on Channel 5 WABI-TV: Eight Women Share Stories of Life on Stonington and Deer Isle. Click below to watch the clip.

The inspiration: Generation Women in NYC
With thanks to Georgia Clark and Generation Women in NYC, who inspired me to bring a multi-generational storytelling event for women to Maine.
Photos: I performed as Team 60 with Generation Women in October 2017. More GenWomen photos here.