Ktgtoplogo_1First it was Kryptonite’s U-shaped bike locks (you can pick them with a bic pen). Now it’s Kensington’s laptop locking gizmo (you just need scissors, duct tape and a toilet paper). The buzz is all over the blogosphere (thanks to Six Apart’s EVP Loic Le Meur for the tip) and yet… Kensington is saying nothing. At least not on their site (as of this writing).

Kensington makes stuff for computers so there’s an obvious online connection with customers. Even if the company doesn’t have a blog, there should be something on their home page acknowledging the problem, right?!

Guys, guys. It’s so easy to monitor the blogosphere and find out what’s being said about your company. Go to www.Blogpulse.com right now. Type in “kensington laptop lock.” These are today’s results. Numerous links from blog posts detailing what can only be described for Kensington as a PR disaster.