It’s the new thing. If you’re still not “getting” Twitter, which I wasn’t… up until a few weeks ago, wrap your mind around this:

You’ve lovingly crafted a brilliant blog post. Ping! Your blog alerts Technorati. Ping! Your RSS feed goes out to all who’ve signed up via a news reader.

Nope. Not enough. The way to get attention for your blog these days is to tweet your new blog post to your “followers” on Twitter. Here’s an example from Shel Holtz‘s Twitter feed:

shel twitter

This is worth a read, BTW. He talks about how using social media tools can turn *into* a strategy.

Useful Links for Twittering

Why short is tweet for the blogging community by Jeff Jarvis for The Guardian (Feb. 25, 2008)



Twitteroo (URL shortening)