My holiday gift to you, dear reader, is dressed up in a smartly packaged PDF. It's an enhanced transcript of the teleconference I did for the Personal Branding Telesummit marking the 10th anniversary of Tom Peters' now iconic article: The Brand Called You. You can also listen to the audio recording of this session.
Download Link
Download the PDF: How to Write a Great Business Blog
Listen to the audio recording
Download the MP3 audio recording of this teleconference.
In this one-hour audio conference we touched on the distinction between personal and business blogs, writing for search engines, blog writing tricks, inviting conversation with readers, blogs vs. e-newsletters, how to handle controversy, measuring success and more.
The Personal Branding Global Telesummit celebrated the 10th anniversary of the publication of Tom Peters' article: The Brand Called You with round-the-click teleconferences by dozens of speakers including William Arruda, Krishna De, Kirsten Dixson, John Jantsch, David Meerman Scott, Guy Kawasaki, Andy Sernovitz and many others.
Special Offer: Corporate Blogging in a Day
2008 will be the year of corporate blogging
Want to get your group ready to blog, internally or externally? See page 3 of the PDF (or below) for my special offer on a customized one-day in-house workshop: Corporate Blogging in a Day. Note: I can only do three of these workshops so call right away if you're interested.
You provide the computers, Internet access and conference or training room. I will train your group (up to 20 people) in one day how to write an engaging, useful blog for your company or organization. It can be an internal or public-facing blog. You will learn:
â–º How to write blog-style in a warm, conversational voice and yet still be substantive
â–º How to write Google-friendly titles for your blog entries
â–º What to write about, what to link to and how to find material for your blog
â–º How to publicize your blog (internally or externally)
â–º How to handle controversial topics
â–º How to keep your blog fresh and topical
â–º What the role of a blog editor is and how to designate (or hire) one
â–º How to craft a Comments policy
â–º How to insert photos and images
â–º How to insert video clips
â–º Everything you need to know about the technical aspects of running your blog
At the end of the day you and your group will have learned how to blog. You will have created a fully-functional, attractive blog filled with enough content to convince your boss or other decision-maker to take the next steps to launch an internal or external blog program.
Included: 10 copies of The Corporate Blogging Book, workbook and handouts. Follow-up consulting by phone and email for four months beyond the engagement date.
To schedule your in-house workshop (15% off)
Fee: 15% off regular fee of $10,000 (plus travel expenses). Offer good until Jan. 25, 2008. Engagement must be booked by the deadline but can be scheduled for a later date. Be sure to mention you are a subscriber to WordBiz Report.
Reach Debbie at +1 202.364.5705 Eastern or by email at or use Contact form.
Available for purchase
The Corporate Blogging Book
Chapter 7 of The Corporate Blogging Book focuses on blog writing tips for multiple author and executive blogs. It contains examples, tips and checklists you won't find anywhere else. It's also one of my favorite chapters in the book. You can order TCBB on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or 800-CEO-Read.
PDF and Audio Recording: Content Strategy
Also available for purchase and instant download: How to Create a Content Strategy for Your Corporate Blog (MP3 audio recording and enhanced PDF transcript including screenshots).