S5-EP20: Debbie & Sam Wrap Up Season 5: Anniversaries, Unexpected Death, God, Grandchildren, and More.
Debbie Weil
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Debbie and Sam are back at it to wrap up Season 5 and review the big events of the season and of this past year.
Today, Debbie brings her husband Sam Harrington back on the show to wrap up another [B]OLDER season.
You’ll hear their 11-year-old granddaughter Ruthie talking about her recent trip with them to the Swiss Alps. Definitely a high point of the season and of the past year.
A lot has happened during Season 5 of [B]OLDER: Debbie and Sam celebrated their 50th anniversary while they were in San Miguel de Allende in Mexico. Then, right after that, Debbie’s 92-year-old mother died unexpectedly, prompting a lot of memories, much appreciation, and a blunt reminder of life’s finitude.
We re-ran episodes with some of our most popular guests who talked about psychedelic therapy and about Covid’s place in the history of plagues.
NEW! Read and subscribe to Debbie’s Substack.
Substack is the new home for Debbie’s newsletter. She offers behind-the-scenes commentary on the latest episodes of the podcast. She also writes from a personal perspective about entering the land of the old at 71.
In Season 5 Debbie talked to new guests about cellular research on aging, about helping elderly parents plan ahead, what UNretirement is really like, and one of her all-time favorite interviews: a conversation with famed New York Times health columnist Jane Brody about what she learned from a half century at the Times. And finally, renowned writer and speaker Jonathan Merritt eloquently explained God and religion to Debbie, a non-church person.
In this wrap-up you’ll hear Sam – hopefully not slurping his coffee but maybe a little – and teasing Debbie about “jumping right in.” (She likes that podcast expression; he does not.)
This is the finale of Season 5 of the [B]OLDER podcast. Have a great summer, thank you for listening, and we’ll be back in the fall.
In the meantime, find Debbie on Substack where she writes about what it’s really like to grow old(er)?
Mentioned in this episode or useful:
- S5-EP8: Debbie & Sam on 50 Years of Marriage
- S5-EP19: Jonathan Merritt on Personal Transformation and the Complicated Intersection of Faith and Culture
- S5-EP6: Jane Brody on Life and Lessons From a Half Century at The New York Times
- S5-EP7: Andrew Steele on Research at the Cellular Level That Could Slow Aging
- S5-EP11: Expat Bonnie Lee Black on the Pros (& Very Few Cons) of Retiring to San Miguel de Allende
- S5-EP14: Best Of: Plague Expert Nicholas Christakis on Why the Pandemic Will End in 2024
- S5-EP17: Best Of: Dr. Bree Johnston on Psilocybin Trips and the Growing Acceptance of Psychedelic Therapy
- S5-EP10: Star Bradbury on How to Successfully Navigate the Care of Elderly Parents
More links
- On Debbie’s Substack: Switzerland with Ruthie: Mind-Bending and Memory-Laden
- Backroads (the tour company Debbie and Sam used for their trip to Switzerland)
- The Eiger Mountain which looms over Grindelwald
- Crash Landing on You (the popular Korean TV series filmed in Iseltwald, Switzerland)
Connect with Debbie:
- debbieweil.com
- [B]OLDER podcast
- Substack: https://debbieweil.substack.com/
- Email: thebolderpodcast@gmail.com
- Blog: Gap Year After Sixty
- Facebook: @debbieweil
- Instagram: @debbieweil
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/debbieweil
- Twitter: @debbieweil
Our Media Partners:
- CoGenerate (formerly Encore.org)
- MEA and with thanks to Chip Conley
- Next For Me (former media partner and in memory of Jeff Tidwell)
Support this podcast:
- Leave a review on iTunes
- Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher or Spotify
- Interested in sponsoring this podcast? We have an avid audience of midlife, and older, listeners. Contact Debbie Weil.
- Host: Debbie Weil
- Producer: Far Out Media
- Music: Lakeside Path By Duck Lake
Connect with us:
- Email: thegapyearpodcast@gmail.com
- Twitter: @debbieweil
- Insta: @debbieweil
- Debbie and Sam's blog: Gap Year After Sixty
Thanks to our media partners
Encore.org, our newest media partner, is an ideas and innovation hub tapping the talent of those 50+ as a force for good. Founder and CEO Marc Freedman is an award-winning social entrepreneur and author, most recently, of How to Live Forever: The Enduring Power of Connecting the Generations. Looking for a great gap-year transition program? Check out Encore Fellowships, which match skilled, seasoned professionals with social-sector organizations in high-impact, paid assignments.
Modern Elder Academy is a program dedicated to navigating mid-life transitions. MEA, based in Baja California, Mexico, provides the place and the tools to start reframing your lifetime of experience. Grow whole, not old. Founder Chip Conley is a New York Times bestselling author, award-winning hospitality entrepreneur and a rock star of the mid-life transition movement. His newest book is Wisdom @ Work: the Making of a Modern Elder.
Next For Me is an important new resource for the 50+ crowd focused on rewriting life. Taking a gap year or timeout may be the best way to figure out "what's next" when you're in this stage of life. Founder Jeff Tidwell explains, Next For Me "connects and inspires our generation to evolve our post-50 lives through new work, a new purpose, or a new social contribution."