by Debbie Weil | Oct 21, 2004 | Events, Uncategorized
Here are 13 more gems from Sherpa’s B2B Lead Gen Summit held in DC this week. Read the first eight gems here. #9 Revising or re-launching your site anytime soon? According to Future Now’s Jeff Eisenberg, you should write EVERY WORD of copy for your new...
by Debbie Weil | Oct 20, 2004 | Events, Uncategorized
Wow… I’m jazzed up after two days at MarketingSherpa’s B2B Lead Gen Summit here in Washington DC. It’s one of those conferences where you can’t take notes fast enough to get down the nuggets you want to remember. Great speakers. I’m...
by Debbie Weil | Jun 21, 2004 | Events, Uncategorized
Picture Seth Godin’s warehouse loft about 30 miles north of New York City. It’s a cool space in the unlikely location of commuter town Dobbs Ferry, NY. The building sits a stone’s throw from the busy MetroNorth commuter railway and only a few yards...
by Debbie Weil | Jun 17, 2004 | Events, Uncategorized
Have you ever been… paralyzed about posting an entry in your blog? I’ve been noodling over a post to describe Seth Godin’s seminar this week in his warehouse loft in Dobbs Ferry, NY. He was terrific. About 30 folks there, including a guy who flew in...
by Debbie Weil | Jun 3, 2004 | Events, Uncategorized
Seth Godin of Permission Marketing and, most recently, Free Prize Inside fame is giving another one of his Purple Cow seminars on Monday June 14, 2004 in Dobbs Ferry, NY. If you’ve been wanting to attend a provocative session with a truly creative marketing...
by Debbie Weil | Mar 20, 2004 | Events, Uncategorized
I’m at The Big Seminar in Orlando, FLA drinking in the latest on how to add audio, video and multimedia to your site. Only problem, the hotel is under (messy) renovation and there’s no Internet access. Check out these URLs for easy ways (for the...