Edelman recently released two new studies:

1. 3rd Annual New Frontiers in Employee Communcations (download the PDF here)


2. A Corporate Guide to the Blogosphere (links to Edelman Europe CEO David Bain’s blog entry; download the PDF here)

They also 3. announced preliminary results of the 2007 Edelman Trust Barometer (download PDF of 2006 Trust Barometer here)

Great stats and anecdotes to chew over, including this blockbuster:

“Nearly one-third of companies are blogging [note: is this internal or external blogging?]; one-third are podcasting.”

Also, “Business is more trusted than media and government in every region of the globe.”

I haven’t had a chance to read any of these thoroughly but want to get the links up. Sounds like the corporate blogging stat is based on a fairly small sample size (senior corporate comms execs at 75 Fortune 500 companies).