rotated_box_of_books.thumbnail.gifWell that counts for something, doesn’t it? Maybe a lot. I’m one of those bookaholics who judges books by their covers and their heft and their layout and type. And TCBB, designed by the clever folks at Penguin Portfolio, has a nice look and feel to it. (I’d give credit to the art director but I don’t even know who it is. Portfolio keeps a lot of this stuff under wraps. Not sure why.) A few comments from early readers:

The Corporate Blogging Book is a very nice book — every page has something essential in it — just open it up and you’re good to go!

Chris Abraham


“Congratulations on a beautiful product! I’m honored to have been a small part of it and appreciate your mentioning me [in the acknowledgments]. I love the size and weight of the book — it’s perfect.”

– email from Meryl K. Evans (researcher for the book)