I can feel it seeping in, insidiously… a tendency to write in longer, more formal, more tortuous sentences like, well, like this one. Maybe it has to do with focusing on the topic of corporate blogging. Is ‘corporate blogging” the ultimate oxymoron? Not necessarily. But it does pose the particular challenge of finding the right voice. Just because your topic is serious or complex or filled with jargon and acronyms doesn’t mean you have to write about it in a ponderous way.

So Debbie, listen up… cut the corporate-speak on your blog and just… say it.

A couple of useful resources for writing a blog:

Slide presentation by Molly Holzschlag and Darren Barefoot from their Blog Writing Style session at last week’s Blog Business Summit in San Francisco

Top 7 Tips to Write an Effective Business Blog (PDF). By yours truly. Yes, you can download it and freely pass it around.