MeshTris Hussey of Qumana and blogging fame is at the podium as I write, leading a freewheeling discussion on blogging and marketing, authenticity and monetization, good blogging and bad blogging. At mesh in Toronto.

While the discussion is intelligent and thoughtful, I feel like I’ve been transported back in time… to the kinds of discussions we were having at U.S. conferences two years ago.

This is my first trip to Canada. What a nice place. People move a little more slowly, seem more earnest and genuine. Interesting, though, that they’re such close neighbors and yet the “mind set” and knowledge level about blogging is a beat or two behind.

I’m on the Corporate Blogging panel tomorrow at 3 PM. More later…

UPDATE: Oh jeez. I know the above sounds condescending. But it’s NOT, really. It’s so damn refreshing to visit a place where people are polite and kind and not in such a rush. The U.S. – and especially places like D.C. – could take more than a lesson or two from Toronto.

Confession… I’ve traveled all over the world, from Antarctica to Asia, but this is my first visit to Canada (!).