That’s what has happened to me lately. I’ve been busy with clients, traveling for work, traveling a bit for pleasure and just generally… busy in my First (non-virtual) Life.

Although I must admit that I did set up a Facebook page recently. I’m easily addicted to fun stuff and that took up quite a bit of time for several days. At first, my 20-something daughter was absolutely horrified. Apologies, that links to a registration page.

But do go there to read Michelle Slatalla’s very amusing June 7, 2007 column in The New York Times on joining Facebook.

Tip: set up a Facebook account to understand what it’s all about

When my daughter Amanda‘s friends learned I’d joined, they immediately asked me to be their “friend.” And my son’s girlfriend wrote on my “wall” several times. It was very exciting. Also, I got my husband to agree to be “in a relationship” with me (as opposed to “married” – which of course we are). Never mind… you have to be on Facebook to understand all this.

Update: see HP blogger Eric Kintz’s entry on Facebook and corporate marketing.

What if your blogging lags?

Back to the topic at hand… how much of a problem is it if your blogging lags for a week or two? My best advice to anyone else who’s been “too busy to blog” is to pick it back up when you can. And keep going.

Four year blogging anniversary!

The real test of a blog is over the long haul. BlogWriteForCEOs started in November 2004. My first blog, at, started in June 2003. Woohee! A four-year blogging anniversary!