Take a quick (fun) survey on business blogs

Take a quick, fun survey on *writing* a business blog and enter our current book giveaway to win a copy of the just-published Guerrilla Marketing for Consultants. If you hurry, you can sign up for today’s free Webinar with Guerrilla co-author Michael McLaughlin...

BlogWrite: how do you write a blog?

Amy Gahran’s Contentious outlines 7 formats for writing a blog. Want to learn more about writing a business blog? Tune in Wednesday, October 20th at 1 PM EST for BlogWrite: a 75-minute WordBiz teleseminar. Don K. Crowther and I will reveal a step-by-step formula...

Blogs as a recruiting tool

Makes sense if you think about it. Not only is a business blog a way for a company to reveal its personality, voice… and maybe a few human foibles. But company-sanctioned blogs are a way to draw new recruits to your organization. That’s the gist of a story...