by Debbie Weil | Jun 9, 2003 | Events, Stuff, Uncategorized
Jeez… how could I be so clueless? I arrived at ClickZ's June 2003 Weblog Conference in Boston this morning to discover a couple hundred rapt attendees, one third of whom are tap tapping on their laptops connected by wi-fi to the Internet. They're...
by Debbie Weil | Jun 5, 2003 | Events, Stuff, Uncategorized
Look for live reporting from ClickZ's Weblog Business Strategies conference beginning Monday, June 9th.
by Debbie Weil | Jun 4, 2003 | Global, Uncategorized
Most useful comment I picked up yesterday at the annual NEPA conference here in Washington DC was from a senior UK publisher of business information. “Americans don't get it when it comes to marketing products online to Europeans,” he said (very...
by Debbie Weil | Jun 3, 2003 | Uncategorized, Writing
One of my favorite topics… Read about SitePoint's Site Makeover in a recent issue of WordBiz Report.
by Debbie Weil | Jun 2, 2003 | Uncategorized, Writing
The endless debate… People don't read on the Web. Yes, they do. If it interests them. So which works better in sales or promotional copy online – long or short?
by Debbie Weil | Jun 1, 2003 | Uncategorized, Writing
Come along for the ride while I experiment with pricing WordBiz e-books or e-reports. Maybe you can help.