Staring down fear of blogging at IABC blog panel
Had a blast yesterday moderating IABC’s blog panel here in D.C.
It was wonderful to meet several corporate bloggers face to face that I’ve been emailing and speaking with by phone: Paul Rosenfeld, Intuit’s blogging evangelist and the force behind the QuickBooks Online Edition blog; GM’s Bill Betts…
read moreMore on Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons’ blog
P.S. Bob Parsons and Go Daddy are no strangers to a bit of controversy. Bob was criticized for spending a reported $2.4M on a TV Super Bowl ad to gain exposure for his fledgling domain name company. His reponse to that here.
And I’ve been thinking……
read moreGo Daddy CEO Bob Parsons opens mouth and inserts foot on his blog
Did Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons miss the memo on corporate blogging guidelines when they sent it around the office? #1 Rule: be smart. Come to think of it, this particular faux pas is not spelled out in any guidelines I’ve read.
Here’s what you should NOT…
read moreBlog vs. e-newsletter debate continues
Here’s a point counterpoint by Christopher Knight of Ezine-Tips and contributing writer Suzanne Falter-Barns. Chris says blogs won’t replace e-newsletters. Suzanne offers 7 reasons why they will. The real answer? Yes and no. No, in the short term blogs won’t replace e-newsletters (aka ezines). You gotta get people…
read moreNobody knows you’re a dog… but they might know you as a blogging celebrity
This is my favorite New Yorker cartoon ever. Thanks to Steve Rubel for the link and for the entertaining riff about the fact that he’s now something of a blogging celebrity… but still unrecognizable to the man on the street.…
One-word book titles with matching URLs
I’ve been obsessing over the provisonal title for this book. Topic: corporate blogging. Audience: savvy but non-techie managers of big companies corporate managers, senior executives and solopreneurs who want to know what blogging is and how they can use it.
Why am I obsessing? As a way to procrastinate, of…
read moreMore companies are publishing Corporate Blogging Guidelines
Article in yesterday’s San Francisco Chronicle talks about the evolving phenomenon of corporate blogging guidelines. As always, the key is to “be smart.” Yahoo has just published its blogging guidelines, available for download here (3-page PDF). The #1 rule:
“Any confidential, proprietary, or trade secret information is obviously off-limits …
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A legal guide for bloggers
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has published a Legal Guide for Bloggers that looks to be a useful resource. The EFF calls it a “basic roadmap to legal issues you…
How GM’s Fastlane blog was born
From an interview I did today with GM’s Gary Grates, VP Communications for North America, for the book:
“Bob Lutz, our 73-year-old vice chairman, was on a plane coming back from Europe when he started writing a response to some posts about GM he’d read on…
read more“Dance like nobody’s watching” when you blog
I’m one of those people who can’t remember the words to a song. It’s awful… lots of tunes floating around in my head but I don’t know what they are. I was reminded this week of how powerful good lyrics are. “Dance like nobody’s watching… ” could be the byword…
read moreDo you like the sub title?
You knew I’d ask… so tell me. Click Comments below and let ‘er rip. Do you like the draft sub title: “How Smart Companies Are Talking to Their Customers and Employees”? Other suggestions??
read moreGot a great anecdote about a corporate blog?
I’m looking for off-the-beaten-track anecdotes about effective – or ineffective (i.e. big blooper) – corporate blogs. Got one? Submit it below. Be sure to tell me why you think it’s significant and should be included in the book. Here are a couple I’ve collected recently: SparkleLikeTheStars (about celebrity jewelry…
read moreTips for a first-time book author
Seems like it took forever to close the deal with Penguin Portfolio to write a book about corporate blogging. Although my wonderful agent, Elizabeth Wales, tells me that two months from start to finish is fast. So… sigh of relief.
Now comes the hard part: writing…
read moreGlaxoSmithKline is blogging en francais
Big pharma GlaxoSmithKline is blogging in French. More later on the content of the blog after I get a chance to read it more closely. GSK’s Director of public affairs is coordinating the blog with the chairman. Thanks to Fredrik Wackå and Steve Rubel for the link.…
read moreI’m writing for the non-techie but savvy manager
Oh… and the topic of the book? Basically, it’s a beginner’s guide for the non-techie corporate manager or entrepreneur. I’m writing for those not in the know who want to learn how and why blogging can be a business tool. There are a lot of smart folks in this category.…
read moreFortune 500 will adopt RSS more quickly
Fortune 500 companies may be quicker to adopt RSS (i.e. news feeds delivered to your inbox. your desktop or your PDA) than individuals, according to Business 2.0. As an example, RSS feeds are ideally suited to alert system administrators when a server is down. Thanks to RSS guru…
read morePenguin Portfolio is the publisher
Closed a deal today to write a book about corporate blogging for Penguin Portfolio. Pub date is 2006. Exciting!
read moreI’m writing a book about Corporate Blogging for Penguin
It’s official! I’ve just closed a deal with Penguin Portfolio to write a book about corporate blogging. Pub date is 2006. Penguin is the publisher of Seth Godin’s books, including Purple Cow and his new All Marketers Are Liars. As well as some other nifty business books.…
read moreI’m writing a book about Corporate Blogging for Penguin
It’s official! I’ve just closed a deal with Penguin Portfolio to write a book about corporate blogging. Pub date is 2006. Penguin is the publisher of Seth Godin’s books, including Purple Cow and his new All Marketers Are Liars. As well as some other nifty business books.…
read moreShould you hire a “Chief Blogger”?
If you’re restless in your cubicle or your corner office, start dreaming about a new career as a… Chief Blogger. Or maybe you’d like to hire one for your company. The Wall Street Journal profiles Stonyfield Farms’ Chief Blogger Christine Halvorson in an article titled “Blogging becomes a corporate…
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