Ignore the blogosphere at peril to your brand
First it was Kryptonite’s U-shaped bike locks (you can pick them with a bic pen). Now it’s Kensington’s laptop locking gizmo (you just need scissors, duct tape…
How to get Nick Usborne’s new e-book on Writing for the Web
Run don’t walk to Nick Usborne’s Excess Voice site to grab your free copy of his new e-book, Writing for the Web: 7 Challenges Every Writer and Copywriter Faces. It’s 35 pages and nicely illustrated with screenshots. And of course written…
IBM’s Employee Blogging Guidelines
Spelled out here in an article by Neville Hobson in today’s Web Pro News. Which points to IBMer James Snell’s blog where he has posted the IBM guidelines. He notes that IBM today posted on its intranet an exhortation to its 320,000+ employees to consider blogging. Courtesy of…
read moreRSS 101: “Really Simple” 5-step Guide to Get Started
For those who have yet to hop on to the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) bandwagon, the effort can seem more like a confusing leap than a few easy mouse…
Why corporate blogging works, according to Hugh Macleod’s Gaping Void
Hugh nails it… and with a cool cartoon to boot. (© Hugh Macleod). He divides your marketing into two parts, using an inner and outer circle.
1. The…
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Why more CEOs aren’t blogging (yet), according to USA Today
Front-page article in today’s USA Today (I’m quoted!) says CEOs refuse to get tangled up in messy blogs. Steve Rubel makes two points about the story: 1. It can be more effective to have a lower-level employee blog “from the gut” of a company and 2. Only a…
read more5 Forces of Search Engine Optimization
This is a must-read on Digital Grit’s blog. Click here to learn how Keywords, Content, Code, Links and Technology are the 5 forces of SEO. (A play on Michael Porter’s 5 Forces Model which is a staple in business school curriculum (curriculae??).
read moreClickZ’s Bryan Eisenberg releases his new book “Call To Action” today
Bryan Eisenberg, a ClickZ colleague, has just published a compendium of his best columns in a new book: Call To Action: Secret Formulas To Improve Online Results. It’s terrific and I highly recommend it. Lots of articles on persuasion architecture…
Blogging 101 Resources
Been collecting these for a week or so.
Ran across this nifty page on Robert’s Echo blog. Includes everything from the “origin” of blogs, stats on blog readership, recommended PR blogs, link to a Forrester Research executive summary, lists of internal and external corporate blogs and more.
Blogging 101 Resources
Been collecting these for a week or so.
Ran across this nifty page on Robert’s Echo blog. Includes everything from the “origin” of blogs, stats on blog readership, recommended PR blogs, link to a Forrester Research executive summary, lists of internal and external corporate blogs and more.
10% of small business owners plan blogs
Remarkable stat courtesy of an HP Small Business Survey released last week. Thanks to CorporateBloggingBlog and Anita Campbell’s Small Business Trends blog for the link. Anita makes a key observation: while 10% of small biz owners may be including blogs in their marketing plans, half of all…
read moreUpdate on IABC blogging panel
I’m delighted to report that Gary Grates, VP Corporate Communications, North America for General Motors has accepted my invite to be the third panelist on IABC’s corporate blogging panel on June 27,…
BlogWrite as a career resource
Just found this blog listed on the WashingtonPost.com in a section on News & Advice for Careers. Cool, huh?! Reinforces my assertion that good blogging is good writing. And a way to make yourself stand out, either in your current job or if you’re on the prowl for…
read moreUpdate on IABC blogging panel
I’m delighted to report that Gary Grates, VP Corporate Communications, North America for General Motors has accepted my invite to be the third panelist on IABC’s corporate blogging panel on June 27, 2005. (Here is the description of the session, part of IABC’s international annual conference…
read moreIt’s niche marketing, stupid
Great post by Paul Chaney in response to THE BusinessWeek blog article (as it’s being referred to). Mass marketing is out; niche marketing (or one-to-one) is in. As BW puts it: ““Blogs could end up providing the perfect response to mass media’s core concern: the splintering of its…
read moreSnowblogging: the perfect metaphor
Saw this term on Business Blog Summit. It’s the perfect way to explain why blogs are so powerful as a means of communicating ideas. And why a blog can establish an intelligent writer as a “thought leader.” (Also, why blogs are much more powerful than discussion boards or regular…
read moreDelirious with del.icio.us
Never should have gotten started with this today… it’s totally addictive. Click on this link http://del.icio.us/wordbiz and you’ll see the beginnings of my social bookmarking (which is part of the social networking phenomenon). Sarah Lewis turned me on to this (thanks Sarah!) and now I can’t stop.…
read moreModerating IABC blog panel on June 27, 2005
Cool news. I’ve been asked to moderate a panel on corporate blogging for IABC’s annual conference in Washington D.C. on June 27, 2005. I’ve invited Paul Rosenfeld, GM of Intuit’s QuickBooks Online Edition and the force behind QuickBooks Online blog, along with Kevin Holland, VP Communications of…
read moreModerating IABC blog panel on June 27, 2005
Cool news. I’ve been asked to moderate a panel on corporate blogging for IABC’s annual conference in Washington D.C. on June 27, 2005. I’ve invited Paul Rosenfeld, GM of Intuit’s QuickBooks Online Edition and the force behind QuickBooks Online blog, along with Kevin Holland, VP Communications of…
read moreWhy words matter… a lot
Great article by MarketingSherpa’s Anne Holland on why “exact verbiage” is so important online. I.e. the specific words you use on landing pages, in text ads, on your site, on (yes) your blog… You need to be aware of what keyword phrases your customers search on. That translates into…
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