Irving Wladawsky-Berger, MIT Sloan School of Management
George Colony, CEO of Forrester Research
Buzz Machine
Registration for 3/10/10 Sweets and Tweets With Anil Dash Is Now Open
Jeremy Newman, CEO of BDO International
Craig Newmark, CEO of Craigslist
Just Kiss Me and Other Words of Advice
Hugh Macleod of Gaping Void genius has started sending a daily cartoon to his email list. He’s giving it away, right? Yes and no. He is in fact giving away a JPEG of a cartoon. Like today’s, which is a warm up…
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Linchpins, Lizard Brains and Lying to Yourself
It’s one thing to be Tweeting and obsessively checking your email in order to procrastinate about a writing project. It’s yet another to find yourself cleaning the toilet. The lizard brain, as Seth Godin calls it in his new book, read more
Shut Up Lizard Brain: I Am Not Procrastinating Today
I am updating The Corporate Blogging Book for a new e-book edition. First, I cracked open the procrastination nut with 20 minutes of freewriting. This really works. Mark Levy, author…
read moreMake Art, Not Work Says Seth Godin in #Linchpin
I’m sitting in Haft Auditorium on W. 27th street in NYC, listening to Seth Godin talk about his new book. He’s great today. One of the best presentations I’ve seen him do. He’s very focused, driven, so eager to convey his message to…
read moreSeth Godin’s LINCHPIN Offers Jolts of Insight That Are, Er, Indispensable
My first reaction to Seth Godin’s new book – LINCHPIN: Are You Indispensable – was yadda yadda more of the same. His riffs have a singular DNA. We recognize them from his daily blog posts to and from his previous ten or so books. Nothing wrong with that.…
read moreWhy Your Blog Is the Hub of Social Media Marketing
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Download Why Your Blog Is Your Social Media Hub. At last, the free ebook that accompanies the updated edition of The Corporate Blogging Book. Please share this ebook as you wish. I encourage you to post the…
Setting 2010 Challenges Instead of Resolutions (But No Sky Diving)
I’ve been studying everyone else’s New Year’s Resolutions for days now, daring myself to THINK BIGGER. To try some new things that will stretch beyond my comfort zone, be uncomfortable and maybe even scary. I’ve been inspired by Gretchen Rubin’s new…
There Has Always Been a River of Information
We’ve always struggled with too much information and news to absorb, someone pointed out to me today. Those Newsweeks and TIMEs and Fortunes and (remember?) LIFE magazines used to stack up, not to mention daily newspapers. It’s always been hard to keep up. Funny, if you think about it. Because…
read moreA Procrastinator’s Guide to Writing
Ha! Coming soon… Seriously, I’ve got more to say about this. Stay tuned.
read moreQ & A With Southwest Airline’s Departing Chief Blogger Paula Berg
Paula Berg, Southwest Airlines‘ original Blogger Girl, is leaving her position to move to the mountains of Boulder, CO. She kindly agreed to a quick Q & A via email to update us on what she learned at Southwest. Full…
Who Is Visiting Your Corporate Blog?
We’d like to think that once a corporate or organizational blog gets traction we have a legion of loyal readers who come back again and again for more of our brilliant – or at least useful – pronouncements. Maybe not. Chris Baggott…