by Debbie Weil | Sep 28, 2005 | The Corporate Blogging Book, Uncategorized
Dana VanDen Heuvel of Pheedo recently asked me what’s different about The Corporate Blogging Book. (He and I are appearing on a DMA panel in Atlanta on Oct. 18th.) Hmmm… a couple of things. First, it’s a practical, clear-eyed look at what companies...
by Debbie Weil | Sep 22, 2005 | The Corporate Blogging Book, Uncategorized
Just stumbled across Google Answers. It looks cool. You type in your question, post a “bid” (i.e. pay a small fee), and then sit back and wait for one of Google’s independent researchers to give you an answer. Obviously, the more you pay the quicker...
by Debbie Weil | Aug 30, 2005 | The Corporate Blogging Book, Uncategorized
Click over to debbie’s blog to get the scoop on what I’ve been reading this summer. Oh, and while you’re at it, I want your thumbs up or down on the title and proposed sub-titles for the book. We’re trying to nail it. The current front-runner...
by Debbie Weil | Aug 18, 2005 | The Corporate Blogging Book, Uncategorized
How cool to meet and chat with Shel Israel* in the hallway outside the Blog Business Summit here in San Francisco. Shel is the co-author with (the famous) Robert Scoble of Naked Conversations (their book about business blogging). He’s just finished writing the...
by Debbie Weil | Aug 11, 2005 | The Corporate Blogging Book, Uncategorized
Had the pleasure of meeting this week with Adrian Zackheim, publisher of Penguin Portfolio, at the Penguin Group offices on Hudson Street in lower Manhattan. Silly me. The Greenwich Village address made me think I was headed to some cool office. Turns out 375 Hudson...
by Debbie Weil | Jul 19, 2005 | The Corporate Blogging Book, Uncategorized
I’m fighting a summer cold/flu, the book is progressing slowly and it’s hot hot hot hot here in Washington D.C… argh. On the bright side, here’s a nice mention from the July 12, 2005 Publisher’s Lunch: “Corporate blog coach, Fortune...