by Debbie Weil | Jul 11, 2006 | Case Studies, Fortune 500 Blogs, In the News, Stuff, Uncategorized
Dell just started blogging at one2one. And they’re responding positively, thus far, to a snarky blog post from big name blogger Jeff Jarvis and a critical, but thoughtful, post by Steve Rubel. (And a more measured riff from Robert Scoble.) Jarvis, you may...
by Debbie Weil | May 3, 2006 | Case Studies, Stuff, Uncategorized, Writing
Here’s a truism about corporate blogging: generally, nobody cares about your widgets. What people do care about is stuff related to your widgets – cool things you can do with them, related lifestyles, industry issues, etc. This is where it gets a bit...
by Debbie Weil | Dec 29, 2005 | Case Studies, Fortune 500 Blogs, The Corporate Blogging Book, Uncategorized
The Fortune 500 Business Blog Index, a much needed resource, has launched — just in time to add to the book! (Note: it’s a wiki, so anyone can add updates to it.) The index is the result of a joint effort between Chris Anderson and Wired and Ross...
by Debbie Weil | Sep 26, 2005 | Case Studies, Uncategorized
Just ran across this page with links to a handful of QuickBooks blogs, including the QB Online Edition blog which has been well publicized. My case study of the QB Online blog is here. Another profile by Toby Bloomberg of Diva Marketing is here.
by Debbie Weil | Sep 13, 2005 | Case Studies, Free Downloads, In the News, Stuff, Uncategorized
Get ’em here: The Content Factor’s To Blog Or Not To Blog (download page) Edelman/Intelliseek’s The Rise of Employee Bloggers (download page)