by Debbie Weil | Apr 12, 2007 | Case Studies, Stuff, Uncategorized
Take a look at Kryptonite’s newly-launched corporate blog, Unbreakable Bonds. It looks pretty good and it’s written by the company’s renowned PR chief, Donna Tocci. Remember way back to 2004 when Kryptonite was the poster child of the blogosphere as...
by Debbie Weil | Apr 3, 2007 | Case Studies, Stuff, Uncategorized
Forget those demo CDs. Wanna submit your album for review by Sony BMG Music Entertainment UK’s Columbia or RCA record labels? Set up a blog on Sony’s new Vox blogging platform and attach your music and video files. As I predicted in The Corporate Blogging...
by Debbie Weil | Jan 24, 2007 | Case Studies, ROI, Stuff, Uncategorized
Edelman recently released two new studies: 1. 3rd Annual New Frontiers in Employee Communcations (download the PDF here) and 2. A Corporate Guide to the Blogosphere (links to Edelman Europe CEO David Bain’s blog entry; download the PDF here) They also 3....
by Debbie Weil | Nov 2, 2006 | Case Studies, Fortune 500 Blogs, Stuff, Uncategorized
Here’s an interesting nugget from SNCR’s Inaugural Research Symposium in Boston today. It’s a great look inside a Fortune 500 and how they’re managing employee blogging. Four reprimands to IBM bloggers in 18 months IBM’s Christopher...
by Debbie Weil | Nov 2, 2006 | Case Studies, General, New New Things, Podcasting, Social Media, Stuff, The Corporate Blogging Book, Uncategorized
Having questioned whether live blogging is a good thing or not… I’m here this morning at The Colonnade in Boston to bring you a few tips from the Society for New Communications Research Inaugural Research Symposium. First, a word of thanks to SNCR...
by Debbie Weil | Sep 10, 2006 | Case Studies, Fortune 500 Blogs, Stuff, Uncategorized
Was just checking out Wells Fargo’s new blog: The Student LoanDown. I puzzled over the name for several minutes. Then read About this blog and realized immediately that it’s the “lowdown” on all things related to student loans and financing...