Free content for your e-newsletter

Looking for articles you can reprint in your e-newsletter or ezine? Ezine-Tips has cleverly created an articles archive by inviting writers to submit articles on a range of B2C and B2B topics. You can submit articles free until 9 AM Central Sept. 1, 2004. Browse...

E-newsletters aren’t dead yet

In fact, I just published the latest issue of WordBiz Report. You can read it here. Or jump right to the lead article, a case study on why the Air Conditioning Contractors of America’s blog is NOT, er, cool… My colleague Nick Usborne has been writing about...

Limit your links

In your HTML e-newsletter, that is. That’s the subject of a mini column I wrote for today’s issue of BtoB E-mail Marketer Insight. Sounds counter intuitive but it’s really not. By limiting the number of hypertext links, you narrow down your...