by Debbie Weil | Feb 13, 2006 | ROI, Uncategorized
Not everyone, according to MarketingVox. The latest Gallup poll says:Gallup’s latest examination of Americans’ online habits finds that one in five Web users read Web-logs, or “blogs,” either frequently or occasionally. Though this translates...
by Debbie Weil | Feb 12, 2006 | General, New New Things, ROI, Stuff, Uncategorized
Here’s a great resource page with information about business blogging. Links to studies, best practices, Top Tens, Top Elevens, etc. Prepared by Cymfony, a market research firm that uses a proprietary content analysis engine to scour the Web. BTW, if it...
by Debbie Weil | Dec 29, 2005 | Fortune 500 Blogs, ROI, Uncategorized
The Fortune 500 Business Blog Index, a much needed resource, has launched — just in time to add to The Corporate Blogging Book! (Note: it’s a wiki.) This cool idea is the result of a joint effort between Chris Anderson and Wired and Ross Mayfield of...
by Debbie Weil | Dec 14, 2005 | Free Downloads, In the News, Marketing, New New Things, ROI, Stuff, Uncategorized
Read the Q. & A. with Seth in’s December 2005 briefing. As always, he boils it down. Real simple. Incisive. (Scroll to the bottom of the interview for a good explanation of Squidoo, Seth’s new venture.) I like this sound bite:Q....
by Debbie Weil | Dec 13, 2005 | ROI, Uncategorized
I’m writing the chapter on ROI of blogging. Gotta have that one in a corporate blogging book, of course. And saw today’s cartoon by the ever naughty Hugh Macleod of GapingVoid fame. Wish I could put this in the book. Although it’s not entirely fair...
by Debbie Weil | Oct 20, 2005 | ROI, Uncategorized
Sorry, I can’t let this one pass. As much as I’d like to believe the reported results of the iUpload and Guidewire Group Corporate Blogging Survey released this week, I can’t. The survey reports that 89% of companies are blogging. And that corporate...