Three quick reads to kick off 2007

citizen_marketers_book-3d-cm1.jpgThe first is the just published Citizen Marketers by Jackie Huba and Ben McConnell. It's a fast, engaging read and extremely well written. In a nutshell, they explain how ordinary citizens are creating media (blogs, podcasts, video, songs, photo) that rival multi-million dollar ad…

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Have you RSS’d yourself? A must-learn (easy) trick for 2007

This little trick goes on your “must do” list for 2007. It’s so easy that my techie friends will laugh at my simple explanation, to follow.

Forget them. This blog is for the un-cool, the rest-of-us, the “real people (who) don’t blog” as my husband called them in the…

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Why & how to RSS yourself

Rss_feedicon RSS-ing yourself is not an exercise in vanity. It's your no-cost, real-time way of monitoring – and engaging with – the blogosphere. Set up keyword searches on your name, company, brand, product or service.…

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